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About me

I am 37 years old. Three children and husband - a professional photographer . Son born in 1997 and daughter-2004 and 2012 :)  

I'm interested in photography since 2011. First, a macro photograph. I like to dive into the world of insects in the world, hidden from us, a world that we do not see, we do not notice, but in which they too have their laws, their troubles and their joys. Sometimes I think their existence and behaviour is much more reasonable, and more honest than our world of people.

I do not set myself crusading goals by photographing insects such as:  talk about the importance of conserving species, etc. In my opinion, it is too global a problem.  I simply convey the beauty of wildlife, and the  insect world. I do not chase for technicality in the macro -  do not set a goal to show retina of a  dragonfly, for example.  I am interested in the story itself, and in the pursuit of capturing the macro plot, so to  say.

But it turned out that the process of shooting interests me more than the outcome. Watching the ants, I "fall out of time." For me, an hour passes, and is 5-6 hours in real time. And these observations, I still find more interesting  the next time I shoot.

In other words, it is a hobby. A hobby that brings me pleasure. And all the "bonuses" that this hobby can theoretically bring, such as money, prizes in contests, fame, etc., is all secondary. I do what I like and as much as I like.

Frequently asked questions:


What equipment is used?

Pentax K10D, K5, for macro - often lens SMC PENTAX-DFA MACRO 1:2.8 100mm WR and Olympus OM-D E-M1 lens M.Zuiko Digital ED 60 mm 1:2.8 Macro


Are the insects alive when you photograph them?

Yes. All the insects are alive. They are not frozen, nor glued. After shooting, they feel good, as they get various goodies (to compensate for the time taken away).


Do you sell your pictures?

Yes, sometimes I sell pictures for interior or for printing. For these questions, please call 8 (925) 744-78-41 or email:


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